Services - Enroll in Waiver

Enroll in the Medicaid Waiver Program.

With the medicaid waiver program for low income individuals, you can get approved for no out of pocket cost home care services. We can help you get enrolled, just make sure you request CareSense as your home care provider when enrolling and upon approval for the program. We'll pick it up from there.

Get Started

We’ll get back to you soon!

No out of pocket cost

Choose your service provider

Bring your own caregiver if you wish

Friendly Support

Get Enrolled!

At CareSense, we provide waiver enrollment guidance. We will guide you on the process to enroll and help you with any paperwork required. You are in control. Just give us your contact information and we will take it from there.

Contact Us Today!

6 Steps


Call the PA Independent Enrollment Broker (PA IEB) at

1-877-550-4227. Tell them that you would like to apply for waiver home care services and schedule your first

in-home visit.


Have your first in-home visit. At this visit you will talk about your needs and abilities. Request waiver home care services from CareSense.


Have your second in-home visit. At this visit you will have a functional eligibility done to find out whether you qualify. Request CareSense as your home care provider.


The PA Independent Enrollment Broker does a review to determine eligibility.


The PA Independent Enrollment sends your application to the County Assistance Office to see if you qualify financially. If you qualify congratulations, you are enrolled!


Be sure to request from your HMO for CareSense to be your chosen home care provider.

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